Help us reach our 2024 goal of enabling 10 refugee youth
to get off the waiting list and onto a CCA soccer team.
Your support can change lives!
Your tax-deductible gift gives hope through athletics.
$1000 = 1 more child off the waiting list and onto a CCA team
Our preferred donation method is e-check, but you can give by credit card [below] or
if you'd like to mail in a check made out to
Capital Community Athletics, you can send it to PO Box 60863 Sacramento, CA 95860.
Become a MONTHLY donor and receive a free CCA T-shirt!
CCA Cardinals Soccer T-shirt
Purchase a CCA shirt and wear it to the games to show you're a supporter and a fan!
CCA Girls' Run Team T-shirt
Show your support for the CCA Girls' Run Team!On the back: "United We Run" in English, Dari, Pashto and Turkmen.
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